Thursday, April 25, 2019

Reading The MRI

Just left the primary care physician and he gave me the update on the MRI that I had while in the hospital. So there are some additional lesions now. Previously I knew they were between C2-C4 and the largest between C5-C6. Now it looks like the most pronounced are still at C5-C6 and also C6-C7. There is something at T2 as well impacting C2 C3 C4 & C5. Take a look at a spinal cord picture for a better understanding of those nerve functions. 
There also appears to be some noted plaques on the right posterial parietal lobe and bilateral parietal subcortical regions of the brain.
 He agrees that both occupational and physical therapy should be happening.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Starting over

I'm home now. I came on on last Friday, 19th. Being home is different. The sensations are coming back. But my hands are not together. I left there with a plan though. I will start Physical Therapy (Hand therapy). I  plan to begin Water Aerobics. Yoga. 

I have to be driven around. Eating is a chore. Putting on clothes. Something's gotta give. I've got to get myself together. 

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Drop The Hammer

Being home is a struggle.  Great being here but a struggle nonetheless.  So much more to do and touch and yet so much i can't just DO. not with ease.  It's almost scary because i want to be able to do for myself but cant. Had to get help yesterday with #BabyBoyMcNear trying to climb around awkwardly.  I couldn't hold him nor did i have the ability to maneuver myself to get him. 

My hands feel like Thor's hammer. I'm noticing more how little feeling they have as they've slid from under me, twice. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

What Happened To My Hands

The steroids seem to be working. They're doing something. The sensation of my legs appear to be coming back. My blood pressure has been high throughout. I've been having headaches. I'm uncomfortable. My back aches. I'm bloated. Pretty miserable lol. And this, this morning my hands stopped working. I lost the mobility in my hands. MY HANDS!!! I guess you can't really tell from the picture but they're 'stuck' like this. Am I stressed? Is it the steroids? Are they NOT working? What's happening. 

This morning, I cried like a baby. The thought that things a really aren't getting better. that this could be it. I was not happy. 

Friday, April 12, 2019

She's Being Admitted

Today's Friday. I've been admitted to the hospital and beginning my rounds of steroids. #FallRisk #CallDontFall

I'll be doing routine lab work, have an MRI and monitored throughout the process. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Doctor Doctor

I've wrapped up my appointments. I've seen my Primary Care Physician, Obstetrician, Bloodwork and Neurologist. We have a plan in place to begin an inpatient steroid infusion. I had options. I could do outpatient (go to an infusion center somewhere) or inpatient (hospital). While I understand what they're saying, I don't understand why I have the option. With the amount of steroids I'm about to receive and being pregnant, it would make sense that I'm hospitalized. It makes sense to me. So, tomorrow morning, I'll be going to Capital Regional Medical Center to begin asteroid treatment. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

T.E.N.S. Machine

I'm doing everything I can to reduce stress. My dad brought me a T.E.N.S. machine that I can put on to rub, knead, push, acupuncture, etc. They're giving me random massages. I have lavender and peppermint in the room. Whatever I can. I'm still in the hospital doing the steroids. I'll be here for a few more days. After that, it's on me. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

No Sensation

Well, happy Tuesday. First of all, yes I've scheduled my appointments with my Neurologist and Primary Care Physician. The lack of sensation has moved up to my waist. The bottom of my feet feel like i'm walking on wood. Unstable to say the least. My arms have some loss of sensation but not as much as the rest of my body. I've had headaches all week. My body feels REALLY tight around my waist. 

And guess what? *drumroll* We're having another baby! Remember the last time we had this conversation? Well, the plus about it is, I haven't been on any medication to cause an issue. The bad part is, I'm in the MIDDLE OF A MS FLARE. I thought this couldn't happen. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Losing Sensation

I was scheduled to leave to head back to Puerto Rico today. But I started feeling a little weird after Saturday's MS Walk. I started losing sensation in my lower extremities. My legs didn't feel right, to touch. So I decided to go to the Emergency Room. The last time I opted to fly back to work, April 2014, I ended being diagnosed with MS. So I figured something was 'wrong.'

Unfortunately my visit to the ER didn't give me much. My potassium and magnesium was low so I received a refresher and was sent on my way. But remember, I've not been on any medication for a couple of months now. I know I know! 

Anyway, I'm not going back to work just yet. I need to make an appointment with my neurologist and get to the bottom of this. I'm now thinking back to my last MRI, where my lesions are and what areas of the body they impact. 


Saturday, April 6, 2019

Walk MS 2019 - Tallahassee

This year's walk has been sort of rushed. I didn't put as much work into making it come to. It DID but it wasn't as together as I'd liked. I was tired. Drained. Stressed. But we made it through. It was actually sorta dreary. I'd gotten in late the night before, from Puerto Rico. Oh yeah, did I mention I'd working in PR now?!  No shirts though. Everyone was to wear their favorite sports team. 

I felt good. I got my laps in! 

Theme: Play To Win

#TeamTasha #OnMyNerves